Yashica Atoron
Minox style camera
Yashica Atoron was made by Yashica(Kyosera,now) in 1965. The camera uses Minox film cassette 8x11mm format and is equipped with auto exposure meter. The body size is a bit bigger than Minox, but a smooth satin matte finish is good as well. The meter is selenium and it is a program EE camera that setting needle makes the shutter and aperture automatically. It has only EV dial on it, no shutter speed or aperture dial. The Yashinon F2.8 18mm four elements lens is equiped with fixed forcusing.The shutter speed is set between 1/45 to 1/250 sec. and B, had no slow speeds, The maximum aperture value is set to f16. The camera has a permanent UV filter of front glass and Y2 filter inside. The flash gun was also provided as a M contacts.
It has an all metaled AG-1(b) penuts bulb flash gun which can be attached to the body with a big screw like Olympus XA series.
The later Model Atoron Electro was launched in 1971, which was possible to be closed focusing to 0.6 meters and had slow speed, 1/8 to 1/350 sec. of CDS program with X contacts. The size became a little bigger than early model.
They had a special enlargement lens for Atoron(Minox) film.
Sample Photo by Yashica Atoron
Fuji Neopan SS, ISO100 (Jan 2 2000)