Super Baldina(Collapsible Lens)

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Super Baldina

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Super Baldina (when lens poped)
The Super Baldina was introduced in 1955, in stead of the folding camera of same name, which was made since 1937. There were with or without range finder version.

The main current of leaf shutter 35mm cameras were folding type in early 1950's, like famous Kodak Retina. This new Super Baldina a collapsible lens unit. The lens pops up 1cm front the buttom is pressed. It can push the lens back into the body when carrying.
The lens attached were Schneider Xenon F2 50mm or Radionar F2.8 50mm(left photo), were coated. The shutter is Prontor SVS, B�A1 - 1/300sec., self timer and XM sync terrminal. The finder is "one eye". It has also iret for neck strap.

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