Balda-Werk(Max Baldeweg, Dresden Germany) made a many type of folding cameras. The Baldaxette was introduced in 1936, a most high class rangefinder camera of them, which had two versions.

The Medel I(Photo) takes 16 exporsures of 4.5x6cm on 120 film and Model II is for 12 exposures of 6x6cm.

The lens are 75mm F2.9 Hugo Meyer Trioplan or 80mm F2.8 Carl Zeiss Tessar.

camera photo

camera photo

The Balda Lisette was launched in 1936 and sold by Photo Porst(Hans Porst,Nu:rnberg,Germany) which was a dealer of many brands of cameras and had their own products made with the name "Hapo". It seemed that the "Lissete" was their own brand variant of "Baldax" supplied by Balda Werk. The Camera seems to be a similar to "Baldax" which is 6x6 common Balda cameras.(Thanks Mr.Christian M. Senet for the Photograph and Informations).

For further informations of Balda Lisette folding camera.

Baldaxette Model 1 Specification
MakerBalda-Werk Dresden Germany
Film120 Brownie 6x4.5cm/16 Exp.
FocusingBy Knob on the bed
RangefinderSplit image
View FinderGalilei
LensTessar 80mm F2.8 (4-Elements in 3-Group)
ShutterCompur T,B, 1 - 1/400 Sec.
Focus4 feet
Film supplyManual/Red Window

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Sample photo by Baldaxette
Tessar 75mm F2.8 f8 1/100 Fuji 100A(Aug'89)

sample photo
Imperial Palace, its just front of the Tokyo railroad station.

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