Rangefinder BESSA

camera photo     Coupled Rangefinder Model. Several lens variations, there were Helomar, Skopar or Heliar.

     It is in the product before the battle, and only this Range finder Bessa has very stylish line shape.Optics in the camera requires as the lens, finder windows, and so on, and it may be finished for the design of taking these as a balance because it was conscious of rival's Super Ikonta. I think that it is the most stylish body in a 6x 9cm folder.

    Even if it has it toward the unique design of Zeiss Super Ikonta now and it walks, this Bessa looks which it isn't made to feel antiquity with and which is polished. The Hellomar lens was put on he low cost model and the Scopar or Heliar lens in the high class machine . All are F3.5 105mm. Though the one with Heliar is a little expensive even now, there are not two of others even as it. The Scopar lens is one of the fine cameras of the cost performance with the lens said as the famous lens which isn't inferior when it is superior to Zeiiss Tessar.
    Heliar is the lens of five elements three groups which both of front and rear groups are put in two elements, from the former group of Triplet type. According to the pamphlet in those days, it went high cost baceuse the step yield in the manufacture was improper, certain. It is still popular because it is an image with the wick in the soft description as well.

    The Super Ikonta and Bessa have put the light lens of F3.5 since early. It was till F3,8 as the highest lens in other manufacturers, and there are not a few folder that had F4.5 lenses, either.
    Puraubel Maikina was a model in 1924, which emploied the most high speed lens of Anticomar 100mm F2.9, too. It is the fastest lens in a prewar 6x 9cm bellows camera. Days after the war came, and the lens of 80mm F2.8 of Planar and Xenotar which was familiar with the model Professional of CenturyGraphic was carried. These are the fastest lenses in a 6x 9cm camera, so far.

    T, B, 1-1/ 400 seconds are covered with Compur Rapid of the Deckel company. This new shutter has been equipped to the Bessa since the beginning because this CompurRapid was put on the market with the new-model shutter which made 3 reaves of usual Compur to 5 in 1935. The Bessa was launched in 1936.
    The shutter has Y2 filter hinged to it on the Bessa.. It is the consideration of the age when there was only monochrome. It isn't anxious in the age of the present color even if it is here for the purpose of the lens protection though it is the filter which isn't useful. It is the point attention at the time of the color photography. It can be removed and re-installed, too. This filter is only fastened with two screws, and it can be removed easily to anyone as well. We often see the Bessa which this unique filter is removed.

    The Bessa seemed to be discontinued arround 1939. Also we could know the prices of BESSA from the advertizement of BESSA Sale in 1939's Camera magazine.

BESSA Specification
MakerVoigtlander Braunschweig Germany
Film120 brownie 6x9cm/9 Exp. or 6x4.5cm/16 Exp.
FocusingKnob on the body
RangefinderSplit image
View FinderGalilei
LensHeliar 105mmF3.5 (5-Elements in 3-Group)
ShutterCompur Rapid T,B, 1 - 1/400 Sec.
Focus4 feet
Film supplyManual/Red Window
Hinged Filter

A Sample Photo by BESSA(Apr'89)
F11 1/250 Fuji-100A
sample photo

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