Patent ETUI

As Small as a Cigarette Case

camera photo

A compact folding plate camera, it takes 6.5x9cm size, made by K.W.(KameraWerkstatten) Germany in 1930. There were black or colored leather and bellows variations. Colored models are uncommon. "Etui" in the German language means a small box or a case. The folded shape of this camera looks like a cigarette case.

The lens is a Carl Zeiss Tessa 10.5cm F4.5 and the shutter is aCompur, the most popular combination for high grade cameras of this period. There is a liquid bubble level attached to the reflecting finder. It is possible to make the front rise and fall by 15/5mm movement, respectively.

It is possible to attach a Rollex Patent roll film holder instead of a 6x9cm sheet film holder. You will now be able to take pictures on 120 roll film producing eight exposures 6x9 cm.

camera photo
Yes, this is a fine camera.
It takes 6x9cm format.

Patent Etui Specifications
MakerK.W.(Kamera Werksta:tten) Dresden Germany
Film6.5x9cm sheet film
FocusingKnob on the bed / Focusing glass
Range finderNo Range Finder
View FinderFrame Finder
Reflect with a water level
LensTessar 105mmF4.5 (4-Elements in 3-Group)
ShutterCompur T, B, 1 - 1/250 Sec.
Focus4 feet
Film supplyManual/Red Window

Sample Photo 1 by Paten Etui
Tessar 10.5cm F4.5 f8 1/100 Try-X

sample photo

Sample Photo 2 by Paten Etui(Close-UP)

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