Kodak No.3 Autographic

camera photo

Kodak vertical folding bed camera for 3x4in six or 12 exposures on 118 film. C.A.1900 -1924. Wooden body and leather covered.
The camera is Model G, no Range Finder. The lens is Kodak Anastigmat 130mm F7.7 equipped in ball bearing shutter. It has T,B,1/25,1/50,1/100sec shutter speeds. The minimum aperture is F45.
I attached the lens assembly to a Speed Graphic in order to take a sample photograph. It has about 170mm or more image circle illumination and it is possible to take 4x5in photographs.
The size is w19.5 cm, h 1.5cm x 5.5cm depth,840g weight. Good for interior work.

Sample Photo
Kodak Anastigmat 130mm F7.7 f16 1/125 Fuji 100B Instant Film
Used Speed Graphic/Focal Plane Shutter

sample photo

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