Comapct Leica

Leica CL / Leitz Minolta CL

camera photo

     Compact Leica was manufactured in 1973, which was the first camera that Minolta was in cooperation with Leitz Wetzlar Germany. It was sold as a Leitz Minolta CL in Japan and as a Leica CL for other countries. The camera photo is Leitz Minolta CL with M Rokkor 90mm lens.

     It has a TTL exposure function equipped with such as a Leica M5. The weight is only 515g. The price was under half piece of M5 Leica. The view finder is clear as good view as M series Lieca.

Lenses for Leica CL and Leitz Minolta CL

Lenses Focul
Component Filter
Weigtd(g) Infinity
Sumicron -C 40 2 16 0.8 6-4 Series 5.5 125 22.5
Elmar-C 90 4 22 1 4-4 Series 5.5 250 60.5
M Rokkor QF 40 2 16 0.8 6-4 40.5 125 22.5
M Rokkor 90 4 22 1 4-4 40.5 250 60.5

A sample Photo by Sumicron(L) 50mm F2 f11 1/250sec Kodak Gold100 (Jun'91)
sample photo

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