An unique strut folding roll film camera with inter-changeable film holder backs. Lens changeable and double extension bed.
History of Plaubel Makina is old. The "Baby Makina" was born at in 1912. The Model 1 was released in 1931, It was the first model with the shutter speed ring placed around the lens like all later models. In 1932, the Roll film holder for 120 film ("Spule II film") for 6x9 cm, 6x6cm, 4,5x6 cm were released.
The Model 2 MAkina was released in 1933. It hAd a body with coupled Range-finder, otherwise it was similar to the 1931 type.(Option:Change to Chrome lens board 1937). The Model 2s was introduced in 1936, with a lens board in chrome. Lenses all mounts from the front for New S-lens series. The Model 3 in 1949. The model 3R(photo) appeared in 1953 which was the last Model of PlaubeI Makina.
High speed lens "Anticomar 10cm F2.9" was first offered with Model 1 in 1924. It was one of the highest quality speed lenses for the medium format camera at this time. It went through several improvements until the 3R, the last model.
In the middle of 1970's, the unique strut camera was succeeded by a Japanese New Makina 6x7 with Nikkor lens, first shown on an exhibition 1977, releasedin 1978. The wide-angle "sister", Makina W67 came 1982. Later the type changed to 670.

camera photo

Plaubel Makina IIIR Specifications
MakerPlaubel & Co. Frankfurt Germany
Film120 brownie 6x9cm/8 Exp. magazine back.
FocusingKnob on the lens board
Range finderDouble image
View FinderGalilei or Frame Finder
LensesAnticomar 100mmF2.9 (4-Elements in 3-Group) coated
Anticomar 100mmF4.2 (4-Elements in 3-Group) coated
Tele Makinar 190mmF4.8 (4-Elements in 2-Group) coatedbr
Rapid Wide-Angle Orther 73mmF6.8 (6-Elements in 2-Group)
coated, angle of view 72 degree
ShutterRapid Compur T,B, 1 - 1/400 Sec.
Focus4 feet(100mm) 6 feet(190mm)
Film supplyFilm Holder with automatic stop

Sample Photo 1
"La Tour Eiffel" F11 1/400sec T-MAX 400
sample photo

Sample Photo 2 "Louvre"

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