Mamiya Six

The first MamiyaSix was launched in 1940, it already employed a unique Back Focusing method for the coupled range finder and it became the base of a whole series of later MamiyaSix models.

The photo shows the model IV launched first in 1947, an Auto-Up close up lens coupled Range finder is attached to the Zuoko lens.

camera photo

An unique focusing mechanism
The focusing is normally done in most cameras by moving the lens or rotating the front cell element. The back focusing equipped MamiyaSix is made so that the lens is fixed on the board and is never moved, and the masked film in the body is moved front and back to focus . It eliminates that problem from a complicated coupling Range finder mechanism. And it will keep in precise focus for many years. Body thickness is increased a bit as a result of this feature.

MamiyaSix IV Specifications
MakerMamiya Camera CO.
C.A.1947 - 53
Film120 6x6 12 Exps.
FocusingBack Focusing
Range FinderDouble Images
View FinderGalilei
LensZuiko 75mmF3.5(4-Ele 3-GRP) Min Aperture F22
ShutterSeikoh-sha B,1-1/500sec F Term.
Closed Focus1 Meter,with Auto Up(0.5-1m)
Film WindingNo1 for Red window then auto stop
OthersDouble exposures warning

Auto-Up(for Close up)

Sample Photo 1 by MamiyaSix IV with Auto Up
Zuiko 75mm F3.5 f5.6 1/50 T-Max400

sample photo
MamiyaSix normally gets very sharp shots, though this particular Zuiko Lens is damaged by being clouded. This special sample was shot without repairing it, it looks good anyway for soft focusing(photo by Nobuo Honda).

Sample Photo 2 Soft Shot

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