Minolta SR
Popular TTL SLR

Minolta SR-2     SR-2 (photo) is the Single-Lens Reflex camera which Minolta is the first time in.
    A standard installation lens was PF -PF 55mm F1.8 F1.8 AUTOROKKOR, still Semi-Automatic aperture. The moment at shutter was pushed, aperture moved to the setup value, and opened the next film is rolled up. The semiautomatic aperture was only on early finder system of the single-lens reflex. An finder image never has black out after it takes pictures like a prewar single-lens reflex because it employed quick return mirror, but finder image keeps remain dark. A shutter speed is B,1-1/1000sec with self-timer. No exposure meter and it isn't stuck to the electronic flash contact point as well yet. A popular LV system at that time could use it. It is moving with the sturdy camera of mechanical's cheerfully even now.

Minolta SR-T101     A SLR history of Minolta started Minolta SR-2in 1958.
    SR-1(1959) and SR-7(1962) were made continuously and the first Minolta TTL SLR SR-T101 was launched in 1966, with CLC(Contrast Light Compensator) of Minolta TTL meter system.
    The lens was changed from AutoRokkor PF to MC Rokkor PF with meter coupler so as to sence the full open aperture oflens. Old AutoRokkor PF lens is possible to use by pushing a button at the bottom part of body.
