Original Olympus Six was launched in Dec. 1940, just a year before WWII began. It was 6x6 folding camera and was able to be used 120 film. Manufacturing was keeping continued and their bodies were changed to Di-cust from press body, which was called Chrome Six after 1951 models. The camera photo right is called Olympus Chrome Six 4A made in 1954, which had an uncopuled range finder for the first of the Olympus Six.
The lens attatched is D.Zuiko 75mmF3.5(4-element, 3-group) and the shutter is Copal B, 1-1/200sec. with self-timer and Kodak type synch terminal.
The film winding is automatic stop after No.1 mark apeared in the red windows. It is also possible to take 6x4.5 by changing lever on the back top with semi-mask in film chamber. Good folder of strong body.