Perkeo I
Perkeo E
Foigtlander Perkeo3x4 camera was made in 1933. The 3x4cm size is a half size of 127 film's 6.5x4cm. As it took 16 exposures to the full size and made the camera smaller, many manufactures made this size camera. The Perkeo means a pigmy. The attached lens is Helier or Skopar 55mm F3.5 and shutter is Compur.
The Bessa66 was made 1948 soon after the WII. The improvement model new Perkeo was made 1953. The post War model of Perkeo was used 120 film and was able to take 6x6cm, 12 exposures. These were also very compact and light cameras for use of medium fomat true to Perkeo's name. It just looks like normal 35mm cameras.
There are three models of post War Perkeo, I, II and E. The differnce I and II is attached lens and shutter and they had an automatic film stop for winding. In 1955, the Perkeo-E model was appeared for the inprovement model. It was built in the uncoupled range finder but film winding was back to manual by red window, They didn't have a room room for the winding mechanism because of being paticuler about the name of Perkeo.