RolleiCord III

     RolleiCord was sold before the War as a low cost models of RolleiFlex TLR.

     RolleiCord III(photo) was launched in 1950. Several models IV, V, Va and Vb were made after this model III.

    The view lens is Heidosmat 75mm F3.2 and the taking lens is Schneider Xenar 75mm F3.5. The film supplies by the "Start mark", not an "automat" like RolleiFlex and a focusing knob was attached to the right hand side of the body till model V, differ from RolleiFlex. It is real good cost/performance TLR.

A sample Photo by RolleiCord III
Xenar 75mm F3.5 f8 1/250 RDP
sample photo

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