WELTUR 6x9cm
A Welta pre-war range finder model, which was manufactured in 1936 - 40. The latest version had a finder mask which could be changed in aperture size to 6x4.5cm for 16 pictures.
Many 105mm lenses were attached to this camera, Zeiss Tessar F4.5,Xenar F3.8,Radionar F4.5, Steiheil Cassar f3.8, Meyer Trioplan F4.5.
A 6x4.5cm model Weltur 645 and double size model Weltur 6x6 6x4.5 were also manufacutured in the same period.
Weltur 6x9cm Specifications Maker Welta Kamera Werke Germany C.A. 1936 Film 120 brownie 6x9cm 8 Exposures Focusing Knob on the bed Rangefinder Double image View Finder Galilei x0.6 Lens Xenar 105mmF3.8 (4-Elements in 3-Group) Shutter Compur Rapid T,B, 1 - 1/400 Sec. Closed Focus 4 feet Film supply Manual,Red Window Weight 830g
A sample Photo by Weltur 6x9cm
Xenar 105mmF3.8 F8 1/200 sec