Leica III made since 1933

Leica III Photo      The Leica III had been made since 1933. It was continued by 1939. Though the functions that interchangeable lenses and coupled range finder had been accomplished by the pre model of Leica II 1932, slow shutter was added from this model at the first time. The slow shutter was a patient wishes of Leica users from the age of Leica beginning.
     Almost of required functions were accomplished on this model in spite of making a lot of Leica series later. The highest shutter speed was 1/500 Sec and no flash synchro were only the shortage in comparison with the late post war model of IIIF.

Leica III inside illust      There are interesting accessory for screw mount Leica. Some are very useful for taking photograph.
     The body of Leica III was a bit smaller than the post War model. It looks very compact and the design of the camera is current available for the present. It is not so good sight as view finder of old Leica. There were fine external view finder made by Leitz.

     One of our staff is enjoying Russian ultra wide PYCCAP 20mm F5.6 lens attached to the Leica III. A Russian pronunciation is crazy that PYCCAP of lens name hear for me like "Russar" as a Japanese. If anyone wants to know this Russar lens report, click here.

The Screw mount Leica Spec. table is here.

Sample photo 1
Kamakura/Winter Elmar 9cm F8 1/200 T-Max100

sample photo
There must be very quiet in the off season of Kamakura.

Sample photo 2 by Elmar 50mm F3.5
Sample photo 3 by Elmar 50mm F3.5 with NOOKY

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